
To place information on the page, to create the connection between the pages, to make the component dynamic or interactive, and to allow the assessment of the application to some other elements of the operational sphere, all that is possible with the help of components. They are to be placed on the pages. There are 21 components in the given program, which are divided at six groups:

  • Text
  • Graphics
  • Shapes
  • ButtonClassisc
  • ButtonImage
  • Players

All components are specifically described in the given Components' Description Section.

To add a new component, the icon of the desired one must be chosen and clicked on the Components' Bar. Then a mouse cursor must be moved to a desired place on the page and clicked again. It is also possible to edit new component with:
Main Menu->Component

To operate with a component it is necessary to select it. The selection is being performed with the mouse click on a desired component

To delete a component from a page it is necessary to select it and then to use:
Main Menu->Component->Delete

To move the component on the page is possible just using a mouse (Drug and Drop) or using
Main Menu->Service. The following can be done here:

  • Move a component 1 pixel to any side
  • Move component 5 pixels to any side
  • Resize component 1 pixel to any side
These properties are used to place a component on a page the best way.

To set precisely width, height, page placement coordinates of a component and to set its name is possible through Componts' Properties Bar. To do so a component must be selected at first.

To adjust a component (set a style and font color of a label, image file for the components from the Graphics category, brush color and outline for shapes etc) it is necessary to click on a component twice with the right mouse button). After that the Additional Properties window will open where the needed parameters may be chosen. For the components that contain text label 3D effects can be used here. To activate 3D effects it is necessary just to chose the same named window. In the given window the types of the possible text displaying are presented. Also for some components such buttons as Actions on click and Actions on move are active here. When one of the mentioned buttons is clicked, the window displaying what actions can be taken when the mouse is clicked or moved over the component, will appear.